Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Student Loans

 I was interested to learn that our national student loan debt has reached the same level of credit card debt.  However, people like President Obama and his wife's student debts are quite large compared to most, I'd say.  I guess thats the price you pay to go to top notch Ivey League schools like Harvard.  Taking out loans to go to CSUB is a whole different story though.  Right now I have a loan taken out for about $5,000 and I will probably take out another $5,000 by the time I graduate.  So $10,000 is a managable figure considering it is a "good debt" as they say.  It is an investment in my future that is going to be well worth it.  That's less than a new car these days.  As long as the default rate doesn't climb high enough to significantly affect the student loan banking system, I think they are good for our county's economy.  Those with a college education have lower unemployment rates compared to high school graduates; and with unemployment rates at a high right now, I find security in the idea that if I graduate college, I will have a lower probability of ever being out of work.